Are you having one of these Leadership problems?
You can just feel the tension between some staff members and at times it becomes viral. You're sick of it ...
People are dropping the ball so much it’s like flippin a basketball court ...
You're sick of seeing brackets or red ink on the financials - it’s depressing and embarrassing ...
It's hard to find good people or it's like a revolving door with staff. It needs to stop ...
Just imagine ...
and they’re all bitching about finding good people, you’re able to say , “actually, it's not a problem for us. We’ve got a good group of people and good leaders in the funnel moving up.
You notice everyone working hard and you hear the odd laugh. No-ones bugging you. They're solving problems on their own and customers are complimenting you.
You feel excited thinking about all the things that you can do ... You're enjoying life and have enough time to spend with close friends and family to do some fun stuff.
you build a team of loyal employees that work hard going the extra mile, support others and stick around, as well as develop their leadership skills so you're company is ready for the future!
you establish interactive systems so that your staff automatically communicates for profits, all year long, and your bottom line grows year after year, after year ...
you be able to approach difficult or sensitive situations, knowing exactly which words to use and confident you can find solutions, knowing how to easily navigate conversations to win-win outcomes ...
"Mike recommended specific communication initiatives and helped us implement them. Things like our daily tool box talks, 2-way performance review systems and a mentor program. Our retentions rates increased right after Mike began working with us. We identified and developed five superintendents and have more in our mentor program. Our communication systems make our information flow accurate and timely. This helps motivate our staff, keeps us all focused on making improvements, and allows for meaningful feedback from the workforce for timely action. We can make adjustments to ensure the workforce is healthy, productive, efficient. All this has helped our company achieve quality and growth targets consistently. We would highly recommend Mike to anyone who wants help with establishing communication strategy and systems within their business so they can be a better company."
"Motivational, uplifting and practical! Thanks to Michael for providing simple strategies and useful tips to help our team become more effective communicators. We’ve already incorporated the CONTACT Communication System and Masterminding technique into our tool box and it is proving to be highly effective in many of our interactions ... - it has helped us to better navigate challenging situations with next level results. "
""His motivational skills are sharply honed. He is dedicated with a truly professional approach to the challenges meeting today’s businesses. His enthusiasm and alternate approach to finding business solutions is refreshing.” "
"“Mike played a key role in assisting our business move through a family transfer by facilitating the really hard conversations. After the transfer he took us from a small business to becoming a top 10 business within our industry in just 4 years …” "
"“Michael has a proven ability to communicate openly and effectively with a variety of personalities and races” “Michael has been extremely helpful to me with my role in human resources. He has helped me to hone my listening skills as well as setting goals in both my personal and professional life.” "
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